Community Relations
Board Member – Secretary, Co-Chair of the Marketing Committee:
Hatboro, PA 2012 - 2014
● Assisted with the development of a strategic plan for reaching annual goals
● Managed the organization’s multiple social media accounts
● Managed board meeting minutes and distributed to board members
● Provided peer to peer support for the Breathing Room Foundation’s recipients
● Assisted with organizing events
● Manned informational booth; presented informational materials and volunteer
● Aided in fundraising
● Provided support in event promotion; updating vision and mission statements
● Volunteered at events and for programs
University of Pennsylvania Pink Ribbon Patient Committee
Committee Member
Philadelphia, PA 2010 - 2014
● Pinpointed needs and devised tools for the peer-to-peer support program
● Identified and solicited specific donors for PRPC’s initiative fund
● Planned and implemented fundraisers
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
Volunteer Assistant Coordinator
Philadelphia, PA 2012
● Prepared and served dinner for resident families (75 individuals) at the Chestnut Street location
in Philadelphia
● Interacted with and entertained families
Volunteer Assistant Coordinator: Young Achievers
Ambler, PA 2009
● Orchestrated plans for and executed food drives, clothing drives and the Achievers
holiday event for a group of twenty teenagers
The Excellence Academy for Ladies, Bethlehem Baptist Church
Volunteer Assistant Coordinator
Ambler, PA 2007
● Designed a brochure to increase participation and attract potential members
● Assisted with the design of activities and learning projects
● Coordinated fundraisers and community service projects
● Aided with organizing and conducting weekly meetings
Church of Christian Compassion
Member Called to Ministry
Ambler, PA 2005-2006
● Originated weekly lesson plans and conducted Bible learning activities for a group of
ten elementary age children under the direction of the Sunday school teacher
● Oversaw and developed all aspects of event management for the women’s discipleship
outing for a class of fifteen including proposal planning, transportation arrangements,
and payment records
Girl Scouts Troop 792, West Philadelphia YMCA
Volunteer Assistant Coordinator
Philadelphia, PA, 2004
● Formulated and executed plans for award, investiture, bridging and closing ceremonies,
fundraisers, and Juliet Low - Founder’s Day, and other special events
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