Professional Assessment

Published on 19 September 2022 at 07:53

Have you ever done a professional/personal assessment? I did one recently, and it read me like a book. I appreciated reading it from the perspective of someone seeing me in my professional element. It also helped me to identify areas in need of improvement. It provided me with the benefit of seeking out opportunities to strengthen those skills. (Note: The link I provided is not the test I took but figured I would share where you can start your research for completing one.)


Taken from the 59 page, here is the summary of my assessment.


"Tyesha has the ability to take action and work with others. She prefers an environment in which she can work at a fast pace with multiple activities. She is aggressive in her attitudes and way of thinking. She uses her take-charge tendencies best in solving problems that require analysis and reasoning rather than social initiatives. She is an expressive individual who will seek change, variety, and a relatively quick
pace. She is adept at handling fast-moving activities as she likes to deal with numerous issues at the same time. She tends to be strong-minded. She will set her own standards, and she is not overly concerned about what other people think. She prefers a structured job rather than one in which her ultimate responsibilities are not spelled out. She likes to feel that she has choices and can set some of her own priorities in the process of adhering to overall job requirements. She is low-key and thoughtful in her approach to social influence and persuasion. She is not motivated by a strong need for social dominance or control.

Tyesha will interact with people in a businesslike or polite manner. She is most at ease with people she knows and will be purposeful in seeking out new relationships. She tends to think seriously about would-be obstacles in order to preclude them. She strives for mutually agreeable solutions to conflict and obstacles. She will seek to maintain harmony rather than engage in confrontation. She has a strong natural talent for sizing up problems and rapidly identifying solutions, and she may become bored if a fresh set of challenges is not readily available. She is less comfortable working carefully through more complex problems."


I learned my areas in need of improvement are:

  • Missing social cues
  • Struggle making decisions with more complex questions
  • Difficulty with thinking about design, structure and process changes
  • Hesitation with asserting opinions


Initially, I wanted to argue [with my laptop screen] that those areas are not 100% accurate. However, instead of getting defensive, I reflected on those results. Recalling times where they were in fact true. I can now be more aware of strengthening these traits when situations present themselves.


How did your assessment reflect the way you view yourself? What have you learned about yourself?



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