This article in MONTCO.Today inspired me to write this post on walking in your truth.
Having grown up feeling I needed to prove myself to this and that person, I found it a miserable way to live. As I matured, I have learned that being true to myself is a happier and healthier way to live. I learned to take mistakes as life lessons and find ways to grow from them. In time came more self-confidence, self-love and patience in my processes.
Self-help books, relative to where I am in life, were/are helpful. Although, afterwhile, I find them to be commonsense and repetitive. One book I read was Winning Over Your Inner Critic and I did a Negative Self-Help Detox. I surround myself positive and motivating influencers. I rid myself of toxic relationships. And, I have done a life assessment evaluation - assessing myself, the people in my life, and where and to what, I spend my energy. Seeking and embracing joy, and living life on my terms.
I took a break from social media. Once I became active again, I rid myself of toxic connections, deleted the accounts I found unnecessary [for me], and limit ed the time I spend on social media. Johnny Webber's Life Assessment Checklist is quick and insightful, if you want something quick to on which to reflect.
Seeking out opportunities to get out for various activities, adventures and entertainment is a priority. Whether it is to do something with family, dates with my husband, or solo dates to take care of Tyesha are important. Especially with my favorite time of the year approaching - Autumn and holidays - this is when I really come alive.
My daughter mad fun of me recently. About a week ago, I went through my Autumn decorations tote. The house is ready to welcome the falling leaves of green, chartreuse, gold, and burgundy, crisp mornings, pumpkin spice everything, shoe boots, sweaters and jeans. All I need to do is purchase my mums and pick up pumpkins when I take the grandkids to Peddler's Village for the Scarecrows in the Village or Octoberfest. And, after years of taking a break from baking (I prefer creating meals), I am back in the kitchen, making Pecan Pumpkin rolls - one of my family's favorites.
But, I digress. How do you practice self-love and care? What have you done to rid yourself of toxicities in your life? Have you done any self-assessments? Have you made any adjustments to obtain fulfillment in your personal and professional life?
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